Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Benefits for Volunteering in a No Kill Rescue

Their are many homeless animals in this world. So what do you get for volunteering at a no kill rescue. You get something that no money can pay you. You get involved in their lives. You come to take care of and be with them. You love them and they pay you back in triplefold!7

I work for Rescue Ridge. We are a no kill rescue for kittens, cats, puppies, dogs, goats and miniature horses  I take care of many kittens and cats during the week. Plus I have one of my own at home. Rather she owns me and I'm the responsible one! 

At the Rescue, I will be starting my third year there, at Rescue Ridge beginning with Feb. 1, 2019. The relationships that I formed with my + and cats there, are not something that you can put $1 on. I get them all ready for their forever homes! I am their medical tech when they are sick. I learned what Clamamox is and Metronidazole are and how to administer them. I clean all their cubbies, play with and love them. Plus I feed them and change their water. 

Then I close adoptions and train the approved adoptive parents before one of our drivers takes their kitten or cat(s) home to them. If this is your calling in life, as it is in mine; Go for it! By giving to these babies, you will be enriched!

When it is That Time to Pack it In

When you are up writing real late and full of energy. You are not tired. This does come from a mild form in Insomnia.  If you don[t want to take over the counter poisons for sleeping pills, Yogi Bedtime tea usually works.  Or Celesterial Seasons Sleepy time tea. 

Both teas are inexpensive and you can get them in most grocery stores in the health food section. You can still get the Yogi Bedtime tea at any health food store. Both these teas carry about 30 mgs of Valerian. That's all you need. One hour after you drink one cups, your legs go numb. You will fall asleep while have the attraction of a 3D technicolor nightmare.  That's all.  Eight to ten hours later, you wake up rested full of energy and not a zombie like you do on the poisonous sleeping pills. 

Just be very careful to never overdue Valerian in any of the health foods because you will get a headache and drunk like symptoms. 

Get your rest in, always. I'm going to do that right now! Good night everyone!

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Playing Video Games to Relax as a Writer

As I am getting more prolific in my writing and changing the schedule around, I have found video gaming is a good relaxer. I am forever playing 8 Ball Mini Pool from Mini Clip. The copyrights are theirs. I am in a league on the sight. It makes it all that much more interesting. Right now I'm at level 74. Taking it all the way to the top and the highest level they have.

I also play Words with Friends ever day in Messenger. And Word Blast. Then the Quiz Game. All the copyrights belong to their owners. My visual perception improves from playing these games and I learn new words. And different ways of looking at things.

Then the next step is my writing everyday except Saturdays or when I am sick. I use these games to relax and get my thoughts flowing for writing.  I also workout too.

Your thoughts?

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Word Games

Lately, I have been playing word games with my facebook friends on the Messenger App. I hit them big this past two weeks. I think that some of them are annoyed because they are still beating me in high margins. So I added more friends to play so that they can get a bit of a break. 

The best things about these word games are the strategies that you learn to win the game. The many words that you learn that you didn't know existed before and how creative they can be. Then they keep your brain going to help combat Dementia. They keep the visual nerves active. 

They are a great addition to our health. Just don't forget to go to bed, There you are: Rest, movement and exercise, reading, word games and writing to keep your brain sharp to keep memory loss at the bey. Have fun! Eat good and have your desert! Love yourself and your loved ones. 

Pic: Free. Private owners. Not mine.
I do not own Scrabble and their copyrights.I do not own Messenger or their copyrights.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

When is the Best Time for Your Workouts

The best answer is anytime you can get them in during the day or night,without any excuses. Morning workouts allow you to burnup way more fat. For those who work for an living, outside of health and fitness; do something in the evening. Even if it is just walking two or three miles. Put yourself first. Your health and fitness come first.

Monday, December 10, 2018

As we get into the gift giving of Christmas, we Christians also should keep the real meaning in mind. To help that this year, I was invited to see a live nativity show at a Church near me. It was called, The Streets of Bethlehem.

Members of the Church were actresses and actors in this event. It was one of them who invited me on facebook. So glad that I went. There were live goats, sheeps and doves, Foods of the day at many of the stands. Pottery, forrest, trees, the Baby Jesus, Mary and Joseph.

You enter with with the Tax Collector. They gave you plastic money. You paid and walked the street. The first stand was an art stand for kids to get a washable tattoo. There were music stands where kids and or you can pick an instrument to play with them. Weaving and pottery stands. Olive, Pita and Meats stands were all there for foods of the day. You exited in the animals, music and manager section.

All in all, this is a beautiful experience for the real meaning of Christmas. If you have a chance to go to a live Nativity, go. And bring your family.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

New Blog Title

I just changed the blog name to Funtime Blog. This way I can write on a wide range of topics.

I've been busy. There is a lot for my art of words and life experiences. Looking forward to seeing you here.